BIO 122 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Mitochondrial Matrix, Cell Junction, Integrin

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Light microscope - visible light passed through specimen and then through glass lenses. Bends the light so specimen can be seen. Magnification - ratio of an object"s image size to actual size. Resolution - measure of clarity of the image. Stained with heavy metals enhance electron density of parts of cells. Electron microscope - focuses a beam of electrons through specimen or onto its surface. Transmission electron microscope - internal structure of cells. Cell fractionation - takes cells apart separating major organelles and subcellular structures. Allows researchers to prepare specific cell components in bulk & identify func. Centrifuge - used for cell fractionation - spins test tubes holding mixtures of disrupted cells at increasing speeds components settle bottom creates pellet. Lower speeds pellet large components higher speeds pellet smaller components. Chromatin - complex dna + proteins making chromosomes. Ribosomes - tiny complexes make proteins instructed by dna, protein synthesis. **major difference where dna is found, eukaryotic bigger than prokaryotic.