BIO 301M Chapter Notes - Chapter 11-12: Trophic Cascade, Müllerian Mimicry, Interspecific Competition

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14 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Detrimental effect w minus sign, no effect with 0 and beneficial effect with a plus sign. If neither population affects each other it is (0,0) Mutually beneficial (+,+) and mutually detrimental (-,-) 6 fundamental ways populations can interact (-,-) competition. Both usually require the same resources that are in short supply. Resource depression if the resource in short supply is another population (or prey), competition is indirect and mediated (this type of competition is called exploitation competition) Competition can be direct such as allelopathy or interspecific territoriality called interference competition (+,-) predator parasitism etc. Parasitism is considered a weak form of predation (+,+) mutualism or mullerian mimicry. Sometimes mutualism is obligate (+,0) commensalism (-,0) amensalism (0,0) neutralism. Eugenes has longest beak and can reach nectar. Panterpe steal nectar by piercing base of flower corollas. Diglossa is a nectar thief that obtains nectar from all four plant species. Adult mites are extremely aggressive particularly in interspecific encounters.