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Robert Gateman
Fu, Cheryl

Verified Documents for Robert Gateman

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Economy 7, Business Cycle, Price Level
Econ 102 lecture 1 what macroeconomics is all about. Introduction: bottom up model, microeconomic foundation, analyze the choices of each optimizing ag
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Intermediate Good, Income Approach
Econ 102 lecture 2 the measurement of national income: basic national income accounting, gdp from value added approach i. ii. iii. The goal of macroeco
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Ceteris Paribus, Macroeconomic Model, Consumption Function
Econ 102 lecture 3 national income and expenditure part i (c and i: desired v. actual expenditure a. P - general price level i - interest rates e - exc
ECON 102 Lecture 4: ECON 102 Lecture 4 National Income and Expenditures Part II (G and NX)
Econ 102 lecture 4 national income and expenditures part ii (g and nx: government, government purchases i. ii. iii. iv. v. Fiscal policy = use of gt to
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Fiscal Policy, Autarky, Potential Output
Econ 102 lecture 5 national income part ii con"t: equilibrium national income, ae function i. ii. Definition: ar = e = c + i + g + nx. 2: g = g, nx = f
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Ceteris Paribus, Fallacy, Aggregate Demand
Econ 102 lecture 6 output and prices in the short run: demand side of economy, shifts in the ae curve i. ii. Increase demand increase output, without i
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Ceteris Paribus, Aggregate Supply
Econ 102 lecture 7 output and prices in the short run con"t: supply side of economy, as curve i. Technology constant: we assume sras for this chapter i
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Potential Output, Classical Economics, Uric Acid
Econ 102 lecture 8 from short run to long run: three macroeconomic time spans a. P of inputs vary: the adjustment process, potential output and the out
ECON 102 Lecture 9: Econ 102 Lecture 9 From Short Run to Long Run con’t
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Output Gap, Business Cycle
Econ 102 lecture 10 from short run to long run con"t: contractionary ad shocks. Assume productivity constant, thus as w decreases, ac decreases. 1: #1
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Output Gap, Business Cycle
E. g. an increase in productivity: sr models are basically stabilization models - eliminate gaps by changing actual y (gapbusters) E. g. an increase in
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Malthusian Trap, Thomas Robert Malthus, Baby Boomers
Econ 102 lecture 12 long run economic growth: the nature of economic growth. Real gdp per person = standard of living 2% Real gdp per worker = labour p
ECON 102 Lecture 13: ECON 102 Lecture 13 Long Run Economic Growth Con’t
Econ 102 lecture 13 long run economic growth con"t: established theories of economic growth. Y adjusts around ye (wage adjustment model). (y = ye) Y as
ECON 102 Lecture 14: ECON 102 Lecture 14 Long Run Economic Growth Con’t
ECON 102 Lecture 15: ECON 102 Lecture 15 Long Run Economic Growth Con’t (1)
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Commodity Money, Money Supply, Divisor
Econ 102 lecture 16 money and banking: nature of money, classical and modern views of money i. Classical view of money: quantity theory of money: class
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Stephen Poloz, Mario Draghi, Janet Yellen
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, Overnight Rate, Reserve Requirement
Econ 102 lecture 18 money and banking con"t: reserves i. ii. Purpose: held by banks to meet demands on deposits. Run on the banks = more depositors ish
ECON 102 Lecture 19: Econ 102 Lecture 19 Money and Banking con’t (1)
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Demand Deposit, Time Deposit, Debit Card
Econ 102 lecture 20 money and banking con"t: money supply. Money supply = currency (cash) + ?bank? deposits: kinds of deposits i. Demand deposit: withd
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: 5, Value Engineering, Flowchart
Step ii m affects i-rate (flowchart: understanding bonds. Pv ~ 1/i-rate; pb = pv; thus pb ~ 1/i: reasons: i. ii. *this analysis is used to explain the
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Inverse Relation, Real Income, Lead
Lp = willingness to hold money for precautionary purposes. Reason: uncertainty about the timing of receipts and payments. *note: because lt and lp are
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Lead, Money Supply
Total demand for money function liquidity preference function. At high i-rates: ls =0, because all cash balances in bonds. The only demand for cash bal
ECON 102 Lecture 27: Econ 102 Lecture 27 Monetary Theory Con’t
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Exchange Rate
Ad curve decrease bank rate increase m increase m decrease i decrease ev increase ae increase ad yup. Same as above for investment transmission mechani
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: John Maynard Keynes, Monetarism
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 30: Federal Funds Rate, Overnight Rate, Interest Rate
Econ 102 lecture 30 monetary policy in canada: how boc implements monetary policy. Step i - overnight rate affects m (flowchart) Decrease onr decrease
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 31: Federal Funds Rate, Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce, Basis Point
Econ 102 lecture 31 monetary policy in canada con"t i. Omo = open market operations (accommodate l: = g purchase /sale of securities in open market. Om
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 32: Overnight Rate, Bell System, Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 33: Payments Canada, Cheque Clearing, Landing Vehicle Tracked
Econ 102 lecture 33 monetary policy in canada con"t: monetary policy - gapbusting . Poof - gap disappears: additional insights (optional) Thus, charter
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 34: Monetarism, Money Multiplier, Deflation
Econ 102 lecture 34 monetary policy in canada con"t: the exchange rate i. ii. iii. iv. v. Change in e can affect inflation and the gap. Boc response wi
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 35: 1973 Oil Crisis, National Bureau Of Economic Research, Monetarism
Econ 102 lecture 35 inflation: adding inflation to the model, what is inflation? i. Recession = 2 quarters of negative economic growth. Distort the p s
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 36: G2 Phase, Money Supply, Stagflation
Econ 102 lecture 36 inflation con"t: from wages to prices i. Increase in nominal wages leads to an increase in prices: where miu = markup, thus, p = (1
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 37: Shortage, Stagflation, 1973 Oil Crisis
1: supply inflation = inflation caused by sras shifting up but not caused by excess demand for inputs in domestic market, examples of causes of inflati
ECON 102 Lecture 38: Econ 102 Lecture 38 Inflation Con’t
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 39: Phillips Curve, Inverse Relation, Disinflation
Econ 102 lecture 39 inflation con"t: phillips curve and accelerating inflation. In 1960"s, the level of wage and price inflation began to rise for any
ECON 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 40: Nominal Interest Rate, Lawrence Summers, Real Wages
Distorts the allocation of resources: price signal distortion hypothesis = inflation interferes with the information conveyed by p changes, market part