Homework Help for Communications

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Essetial to all businesses, good communication is cruicial for selling products; building and maintaing relationships with consumers, clients and investors; and ensuring alignment within and outside of the organization

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in Communications·
23 Aug 2023

Class-Fashion Design

If you can’t insert a picture then explain which tool you’ll be using. Make sure to make a price for each tool that would work best for sewing, cutting, measuring, fabric marking, drafting and software. Follow the instructions to better understand the assignment.

Step 1: Choose Your Tools

Now that you have learned about many of the basic kinds of equipment you will need, it is time to go shopping (virtually, anyway). Go online and find five to seven important items that you will need. Think about which tools would work best for you for these tasks:

• Sewing

• Cutting

• Measuring

• Fabric marking

• Drafting

• Software: creating, revising, retrieving, and verifying information

Make sure that you have a price for each item. If you are going to drop some serious cash on a high-quality pair of dressmaking shears or a cutting machine, be prepared to explain why you absolutely must have the pricey one.

Step 2: Create an Inventory

When you have selected your items, create an inventory complete with images. You may do this electronically in a word processing document, or you may print out images on paper. Next to the image, write the price, what you will do with the tool, and why you selected this model.

Step 3: Explain Care and Maintenance

When you have finished your inventory, write a paragraph explaining how you will store, maintain, and care for your equipment and the clothing you make. You want to be able to have it accessible, but it is important to show that you know how to protect your investment by making sure that your materials last as long as possible and that you use them safely. If your inventory includes a sewing machine, make sure your paragraph explains how to clean and oil the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (If you don’t have the manufacturer’s instructions, you can most likely find them in a PDF document online.)

in Communications·
22 Aug 2023

Class-Fashion Design

Step 1: Advances in Workplace Safety

When thinking about the industrial age, one of the first industries to begin using factories, machinery, and new technology was fashion. In fact, cotton mills were some of the first factories established in America. Smart inventors figured out how to create clothing on a much bigger scale than ever before. To do this, they required thousands of workers. This is where the need for labor protection came into play. Using what you learned in your text and research you conduct online, examine the following questions:

• How have the fashion industry’s labor practices changed in the United States and elsewhere?

• What safeguards do factories have in place now that were not present in the early 20th century?

• Why is it important for the fashion industry to carefully follow OSHA’s rules?

Create a word document to record the answers you find. Then, leave your document open while you examine another area in which the fashion industry has blazed a trail.

Step 2: Taking Initiative to Protect the Earth

• How has the fashion industry changed its environmental practices over the years?

• What part does recycling play in protecting the environment?

• What can people do to recycle clothing?

• How can fashion industry professionals encourage the public to engage in clothing recycle programs?

Step 3: Organize Your Ideas

You’ve learned about two very important ways the fashion industry has been the frontrunner for all industries and their practices. Think about what you researched and use your critical thinking skills to analyze the information.

Then, choose one of the subjects to report on. (Labor Laws or Environmental Issues) Review the advice on formal presentations that you received in this unit. Then write a presentation that explains the job that the fashion industry has done and why it is important. You can list bulleted items rather than writing complete paragraphs that include every word you want to say. You can handwrite on index cards or paper, or you can type into a word processing document or presentation software. If you wish, you can create a poster or other visual aid. Your teacher will review your notes and any visual aids you create, so be sure you use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Step 4: Present Your Findings

Now is your time to shine. Practice your formal presentation a few times, and then record yourself giving the presentation. If you need to, look up technical terms to be sure you are using them correctly. Speak clearly and distinctly. Remember what you have learned about public relations, and do your best to represent your family, classroom, school, or neighborhood.

in Communications·
22 Aug 2023

Class-Fashion Design

1 . Imagine you are part of a fashion club, and you are planning a fashion show at your local community center. One person in your group does not want to include models who have disabilities. What reasons can you provide to persuade this person that the show should include these models? Think about what this course has taught you about active listening, leadership, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, and working in groups. Then explain what reasons this person might give and what you could say in response.

2. Choose a topic from this unit that interests you, such as sustainable fashion, social entrepreneurship, including people with disabilities in the fashion world, or barrier-free design. Describe what you would like a mentor to teach you about this topic. Then describe how you would use your newfound skills to mentor others who have less experience in this area.

3. A group that advocates for barrier-free design has asked you to do some public relations work for them. What is a project that you could suggest to the group that would attract public attention and make people think positively about the group?

4. Find a label inside a garment that you own or that a family member owns. In a paragraph, write down the information for each of the four categories you learned about in the unit: fiber content, country of origin, name of manufacturer or dealer, and care instructions. Is any information missing? Did any of the information surprise you? Use the internet to find out about how far away the country of origin is.

5. In this unit, you learned how the environmental movement affected fashion. Do you take environmental issues into consideration when you buy, make, or wear clothes? If so, why? If not, why not?

in Communications·
22 Aug 2023

Class-Fashion Design

Required Materials

• Measuring tape or yardstick

• Word processing software

Step 1: Choose a Location

Read all the steps of this activity before you begin it. In this unit, you have learned about the importance of barrier-free design. Now it’s time to find out how much of your world is barrier-free for people who have disabilities. Choose a location to test. This can be within your school, such as your classroom, student bathrooms, the cafeteria, the gym, or a stage. Another option might be a community center or your local library.

Step 2: Research Local Laws

Use the internet to find out which laws apply to public or private buildings in your community, state, region, or country. Find two or three measurements to test. For example, how wide must a doorway to a classroom be to accommodate a wheelchair? How large must a restroom stall be? Where must fire alarms or light switches be placed? What about drinking fountains or sinks?

Step 3: Measure and Record Your Results

Measure the doorway, sink height, or other factors that you have chosen. Record your results and compare them to legal requirements.

Step 4: Report Your Results

Create a short video to send to the building owner (if it is a privately owned building) or to a local government official (if it is a publicly owned building), Describe what you found. Explain why the regulation you chose is necessary. For instance, it doesn’t matter if a bathroom stall can accommodate a wheelchair if the only doorway to the bathroom is too narrow for the person to reach the stall. Using the informal presentation techniques you learned about in this unit, do your best to present your ideas in a professional way.

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