BTM 481 Study Guide - Personal Journals, Inkjet Printing, Num Lock

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Module 7: securing your system - protecting your digital data and devices. Network address translation (nat) is used to assign internal ip addresses on a network true. ________ is an unwanted piggyback program that usually downloads with other software you are installing from the internet. ----spyware. Instant messaging programs are susceptible to virus attacks. ---true. Creating and spreading online viruses is a cybercrime. ---true. ________ encourages internet users to reveal sensitive information that could lead to identity theft by sending e-mails that look like they are from legitimate companies but are, in fact, fake. ---phishing. The windows operating system has built-in password protection of files as well as the entire desktop----true. Theft of a computer is considered cybercrime---false. A denial of service attack can be used to deny hackers access to a computer system. --- A chart--is a visual representation of numerical data. A data series--is a group of related data points. Each row in an excel table--represents a record.