ENGR 201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Enquiry Concerning Political Justice

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Document Summary

Engineering ethics: the analysis of decisions, policies, and choices that are morally desirable in engineering practice and research. Ethics is a branch of philosophy and analysis of behavioral choices that individuals and societies face. It provides guidelines on what is right and wrong. They are the basis of worldviews and guide behavior. Morals are a person"s standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do. Frameworks are not specific to cultural or geographic context. Moral absolutism: morals are absolute, unchangeable and always true. Moral relativism: morals are relative to individuals and so completely subjective. Therefore no one guideline is adequate for everyone. Ethics provides an objective system of making choices qualified by circumstance. Justice: it is fairness or rightness in action and conduct. It is, process and goal, means and end. It implies basic liberty rights that are inalienable. It allows inequalities that work to benefit the worst.