LIFESCI 7B Final: Final Study Guide

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Oncogene: mutated gene that no longer functions to prevent cell growth. Tumor suppressor: regulating & inhibiting cell growth (mutations lead to cancer) Hereditary mutation: high cluster of appearance in a family. Somatic mutation: randomly occurring in a family; not in the sex chromosome so this mutation will not be passed on. Gamete: a mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote. Explanations for unusually high rates of cancer: hereditary, environmental factors, probability. Gene: determinant of heredity that affects certain characterists. Allele pairs separate independently during the formation of the gametes. X and y chromosomes behave as homologous chromosomes and pair during male meiosis. Incomplete dominance: phenotype of heterozygous hybrid is intermediate between homozygous parents. F1 hybrids differ from both parents and express an intermediate phenotype. Genotypic ratio and phenotypic ratio are the same. Mendel"s laws are still valid at the genotypic level.