BIO 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Allele Frequency, Sewall Wright, Tiktaalik

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Historically, most people believed life was created through the will of a supernatural power: supreme being placed organisms on earth, organisms look and function according to the design of the supreme being, species do not change! Transmutation of species: new species from existing species: theory: all organisms came from a common ancestor, alike to darwin. Carolus linnaeus: 1707-1778, tried to understand divine plan by seeking similarity among organisms. Believed there was divine creation: binomial nomenclature: still use presently- common genus species system, hierarchical classification. History of evolutionary thinking: origins of evolutionary thought. James hutton: 1726-1797, founder of modern geology, natural processes shape rock formations, gradual change leads to massive change, young earth hypothesis. Sedimentation: sediments deposited by water were compressed to form stone: hutton first realized it takes place so slowly that the oldest rocks are made up from the ruins from the form of continents . Gradualism: profound change is the cumulative product of slow but continuous processes.