CADS 2000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vanity Sizing, Market Segmentation, Baby Boomers

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Consumers need different products segmentation helps identity media. Can you give examples of market segmentation and their categories? demographics, personality traits, socio-culture values: ex: gender is a demographic while usage rates are behavioral, etc. Baby boomers- spending power, self-centralized, workaholics, work force impact, strongly influenced by vietnam war, young urban professionals. Generation x- children of divorced parents, cynical, high-end brands, lost generation , first to be exposed to media. Baby boomers- first space flight, jfk assassination, vietnam war, watergate. Believe they can have an impact on the world and make it better. Tech savvy, intense about how they are viewed online. Think they they are the best generation. Own more devices that rest of the millennial populations. Impressionable, driven by social and ecological issues. Strong on philanthropy, tend to have positive outlook on life. Take care of themselves and then support others around them. Male dominated, younger and likely to be full time students.