GEOG20009 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Milankovitch Cycles, Plate Tectonics, Continental Drift

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Continental drift: Wegner proposed idea that the continents had moved other time, based on evidence from many
Crust: upper layer of the Earth floats on top of asthenosphere, moves over it
o Oceanic Crust: thin, dense, young (7km)
o Continental Crust: thick, buoyant, mostly old (10-70km)
Plate tectonics: 12 major plates slide around Earth, either diverging, converging or transforming (converging),
Earthquakes and volcanism is mostly focused at plate margins
Mantle convection: drag/push and pull convection currents
Plate Tectonic Super Cycles
Supercontinent Cycles: Continuous formation and breaking up of supercontinents very long time scale
Assembly of supercontinent species could move freely across landmass, global fragmentation reduced gene flow,
leading to rapid speciation and radiation
Wilson Cycle: Closure and opening of ocean basins by plate tectonic processes
Divergence = high sea level, spreading = high CO2 greenhouse effect
Convergence = low sea level, little spreading, orogeny and weathering = lowCo2 = icehouse
Distribution of life on Earth highly influenced by climate mainly solar radiation
Global atmospheric and ocean circulation:
o Main mechanisms for distribution of heat from equatorial to polar regions
Climate changes on different timescales: historical, tectonic, orbital
Up to 30% land surface covered by ice during glacial cycles in the Quaternary
Our knowledge of past climates is derived from ‘natural archives
o Ice cores, tree rings, corals etc.
Deep sea cores have given us understanding of past 2.7Ma climate cycles
o Record shows that global ice-volume changes have dramatically decreased
Oxygen isotope geochemistry: difference between O16 and O18 allows us to understand
whether the climate was glacial or interglacial
Glacial Period Characteristics
Lower temperature greater drop in mid to high latitudes
Lower atmospheric water content (lower rainfall)
Higher thermal gradients (wind speed)
Growth of continental ice sheets, expansion of alpine glaciers and permafrost
Falls in sea level, increases in land area
Contraction of wet tropics, expansion of arid/semi-arid belt
Orbital Forcing of glacial-interglacial cycles
Eccentricity: rotation around sun is elliptical
Tilt: 23.5-degree tilt, accountable for seasonality
Precession: Earth axis wobbling, affecting insolation reaching Earth
Scientists calculate these, and record the total amount of insolation reaching certain latitudes
Milankovic Cycles: ice sheets grow during periods of Northern Hemisphere summer insolation at 65-degree N is low
and decay when NH summer insolation is high
o Theory of glacial cycles
Do not fully account for glacial cycles must consider complex climate feedbacks
Species responses:
o Adaption to a new local environment
o Dispersal (migration) with their optimal habitat as it changed location (latitude or altitude)
o Range reduction and/or extinction
Studying past vegetation changes: pollen or charcoal easy to reconstruct vegetation cover using these
Climate changes in
Quaternary (last
characteristics of
How do we know the
climate changed?
What are the causes?
response to past
climate changes
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Document Summary

Lecture 14 (p. 1): plate tectonics and earth history. Continental drift: wegner proposed idea that the continents had moved other time, based on evidence from many disciplines. Crust: upper layer of the earth floats on top of asthenosphere, moves over it: oceanic crust: thin, dense, young (7km, continental crust: thick, buoyant, mostly old (10-70km) Plate tectonics: 12 major plates slide around earth, either diverging, converging or transforming (converging), hotspots. Earthquakes and volcanism is mostly focused at plate margins: mantle convection: drag/push and pull convection currents. Plate tectonic super cycles: assembly of supercontinent species could move freely across landmass, global fragmentation reduced gene flow, Convergence = low sea level, little spreading, orogeny and weathering = lowco2 = icehouse. Lecture 14 (p. 2): quaternary climate change: distribution of life on earth highly influenced by climate mainly solar radiation, global atmospheric and ocean circulation, main mechanisms for distribution of heat from equatorial to polar regions.

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