BIOS1168 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Medullary Cavity, Sesame, Bone

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Osteology: study of bones
2 main parts of skeleton:
Axial (vital/for survival) - skull, spine, sternum, ribs
Appendicular (others/limbs) - shoulder girdle, forearm, wrist, hand, pelvic girdle, lower leg, ankle, foot
Functions of the skeleton:
Provide insertions for muscles
Protects organs
Provide a framework for the body
Makes red blood cells
Connect to make joints
Classification of bones by shape:
Long - ie. Longer than they are wide; for movement eg. humerus
Short - ie. Cube-shaped bones eg. Carpals in wrist, tarsals in ankle
Flat - ie. Thin, flat and may be curved; protection eg. Scapula
Irregular - ie. Complicated shapes/don't fit other classifications eg. Sacrum
Sesamoid - ie. (sesame seed) Specialised bones appear inside tendons; improve efficiency as not a lot of
power/exertion is required eg. Patella
Structure of long bones:
Diaphysis (shaft)
Compact/hard bone (lined by periosteum) surrounds a medullary cavity (lined by endosteum)
Medullary cavity of adults contains bone marrow (fat)
Growing ends (proximal and distal) of long bones
Spongy bone interior
Internal edge - metaphysis (connecting epiphysis and diaphysis) - contains epiphyseal plate/physis (cartilage
growth plate), which ossifies at skeletal maturity
Articular (hyaline) cartilage on joint surfaces
Trabeculae: network
of spongy bone
plate (in child)
Intro to Osteology
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
3:22 pm
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Osteology: study of bones
2 main parts of skeleton:
Axial (vital/for survival) - skull, spine, sternum, ribs
Appendicular (others/limbs) - shoulder girdle, forearm, wrist, hand, pelvic girdle, lower leg, ankle, foot
Functions of the skeleton:
Provide insertions for muscles
Protects organs
Provide a framework for the body
Makes red blood cells
Connect to make joints
Classification of bones by shape:
Long - ie. Longer than they are wide; for movement eg. humerus
Short - ie. Cube-shaped bones eg. Carpals in wrist, tarsals in ankle
Flat - ie. Thin, flat and may be curved; protection eg. Scapula
Irregular - ie. Complicated shapes/don't fit other classifications eg. Sacrum
Sesamoid - ie. (sesame seed) Specialised bones appear inside tendons; improve efficiency as not a lot of
power/exertion is required eg. Patella
Structure of long bones:
Diaphysis (shaft)
Compact/hard bone (lined by periosteum) surrounds a medullary cavity (lined by endosteum)
Medullary cavity of adults contains bone marrow (fat)
Growing ends (proximal and distal) of long bones
Spongy bone interior
Internal edge - metaphysis (connecting epiphysis and diaphysis) - contains epiphyseal plate/physis (cartilage
growth plate), which ossifies at skeletal maturity
Articular (hyaline) cartilage on joint surfaces
Trabeculae: network
of spongy bone
plate (in child)
Intro to Osteology
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
3:22 pm
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Document Summary

Axial (vital/for survival) - skull, spine, sternum, ribs. Appendicular (others/limbs) - shoulder girdle, forearm, wrist, hand, pelvic girdle, lowe. Long - ie. longer than they are wide; for movement eg. Long - ie. longer than they are wide; for movement eg. humerus. Short - ie. cube-shaped bones eg. carpals in wrist, tarsals in ankle. Flat - ie. thin, flat and may be curved; protection eg. Flat - ie. thin, flat and may be curved; protection eg. scapula. Irregular - ie. complicated shapes/don"t fit other classifications eg. Irregular - ie. complicated shapes/don"t fit other classifications eg. sacrum. Sesamoid - ie. (sesame seed) specialised bones appear inside tendons; improve efficie power/exertion is required eg. patella. Compact/hard bone (lined by periosteum) surrounds a medullary cavity (lined by endo. Medullary cavity of adults contains bone marrow (fat) Growing ends (proximal and distal) of long bones. Internal edge - metaphysis (connecting epiphysis and diaphysis) - contains epiphyseal p growth plate), which ossifies at skeletal maturity.