CHEM10006 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Polymerization, Hyperconjugation, Carbocation

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Hydrogen will end up on the side with more hydrogens. X will end up on the side that has more substituents. The original nucleophile will act as a nucleophile again to produce ever-lengthening chains and eventually polymers (addition polymerisation) Note: hyperconjugation is the mixing of electrons in sigma bonds with adjacent empty/not full non- bonding orbitals. This means there are alternating single and double bonds. Note: full arrow represents electron pair, half arrow thing represents 1 electron. Benzene is planar (all bond angles 120 degrees) Does not behave like an alkene (less reactive) Be(cid:374)ze(cid:374)e is (cid:373)ore sta(cid:271)le tha(cid:374) it(cid:859)s (cid:858)expe(cid:272)ted(cid:859) value because there are no c=c or c-c (somewhere in between delocalized electrons) Resonance stabilisation circle in the middle not entirely accurate as it does not give quantity of pi bonds.