PHIL 220 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Mario Bunge, Metatheory

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21 Nov 2020

Document Summary

Lecture 4: with scientific advances and the uncontrollable development of technology, questions arise about the validity of the philosophical postulates that conventionally promoted the advancement of science in previous centuries. This essay presents critical evaluations about the topicality, relevance, necessity and usefulness of the philosophy of science in the area of health. The scientific advances and uncontrolled development of technologies give place to important reflections about the validity of conventional philosophical postulates that propelled the advancements of science in previous centuries. In both subtopics, critical evaluations were made about the topicality, relevance, necessity and usefulness of the philosophy of. It has been a fairly common criterion among the detractors of philosophical issues, the use of an esoteric language, convoluted, difficult to understand for those who try, based on those same philosophical principles, to approach essences or possible causes. They demand clear, precise, unambiguous definitions, but divergences and diversities abound around many of the implicit terms and concepts.

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