POLI 205 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Otto Von Bismarck, Austro-Prussian War, Iberian Peninsula

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The system of nation-states that we have today dates back to the 1648 and the treaty of. Westphalia which ended the thirty years war (1618-48). The treaty established the principle of sovereignty, which means that a national leader could decide domestic policies and issues without outside interference. Prior to the westphalian system churches had considerable power and in uence on european. The birth of nation-states transferred people"s loyalties from religious authorities to political authorities. Despite the treaty of westphalia, europe did not experience peace for long. Three major wars broke out the 18th century: The war of spanish succession (1701-14; france and spain vs. austria, britain, The war of the austrian succession (1740-48; prussia, france and spain vs. britain and austria). The seven years war (french and indian war, 1756-63; austria, france and russia vs. The american war of independence (1776-83) led to the founding of the united states of.

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