PHIL 2170 Lecture Notes - Simone De Beauvoir, Roger Scruton, Grammatical Gender
Document Summary
Exposition of views, arguments, concepts discussed, support arguments, objections, counterarguments. Existence precedes essence gives a defining characteristic about who you are. Born with these characteristics, not an accident who you are. We are born free radical freedom" free to manipulate within your own circumstances. Bad faith" when we have faith in what people tell us who we are. Making an existentialist effort in exposing bad faith in our lives. As existentialists conceive making someone into an other is the worst thing you can do. They become an object instead of a human being. Women"s choices have been constrained, don"t get respect for making choices, rather, making choices in light of their man; a loss of autonomy. A specific objectification; by telling people who they are or should be, we are making them objects. What a woman wants in the first place is to serve (p. 581) Culture says we should desire certain characteristics (ex.