PHIL 2170 Lecture Notes - Slut, Cognitive Dissonance

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What are we like when we love? (what"s moral about love?) I wanted to keep track of how many there had been . It was my own exclusive structure, a game i played in the privacy of my own head. (3: doesn"t care if someone knows her number but the categories (labels) matter. Contradictory (repressed, normal, total slut, free-spirited bohemian: doesn"t ask what she thinks of herself, but what it makes her, assumes it"s an objective number that"s how she starts off. Arbitrary categories; actual measurements of where you are on a sexual scale: objectivity worries her; no longer has an external category. Important to be objectively right: guilt of admission could forget about someone, but would make her tally dishonest, her assessment of herself, etc. The exercise would lose purpose, only lying to herself: emphasis on choice doesn"t suggest the sex she had is not her own choice.

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