PHIL 2170 Lecture Notes - Greta Christina, Gynaecology, Voyeurism
Document Summary
Greta christina cont"d: greta christina thinking of someone who acts, not the acts themselves. The way she judges herself affects the way she judges her actions. She"s not the kind of person who acts in a cheating way (ex. Goldman change the way we think about sex acts. In order to understand why the effects affect us the way they do, we need to understand what a sex act is. The same behaviour is sometimes sexual, sometimes not. (124) the clear case, oral sex: doesn"t work with all behaviour. Sex is necessarily sexual (intercourse is: while there are some behaviours that are sexual, some are sometimes sexual, sometimes not (ex. Wet willy you can imagine both extremes) Sex acts require contact between sexual body parts: not sufficient; other reasons make contact sexual (125) [ex. When a woman goes to a gynecologist] context that makes the act sexual, not the act itself: not necessary; there are non-contact sexual activities; voyeurism.