PHIL 4120 Lecture Notes - Gilbert Ryle, Ontological Argument, Logical Form
Document Summary
Red is a colour object/thing red and has the property of being a colour ( what is red?) Sherlock holmes smokes a pipe but sherlock holmes doesn"t exist, but does smoke a pope. God exists / god does not exist logically impossible to deny the existence of god. Subject/predicate sentences says something about the object. One part understands a part of the world, other ascribes a description to it. Misled to the grammatical structure of a sentence. Red is a colour = anything red is coloured . Don"t presuppose the existence of things we don"t need to presuppose. Mislead an incautious philosopher in the subject term for the sentence to be true or false. Duncan is teaching (descriptive theory of proper names) God that thing which exists by virtue of its perfection, all-knowing, all-powerful, etc. The denial of god"s existence is a contradiction. Problem: could be used to prove the perfect anything ex.