SOSA 2141 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Feudalism, Transnationalism, Marxism
Document Summary
Key theories and concepts in the sociology of work: Something to do: wright mills, white collar: Working for a living is a social convention not a natural law. Human effort that adds use value to goods and services. Use value means that what is produced has some value not necessarily economic but rather personal and/or social value for us. Use value means that what is produced ahs some value whether economic, social or personal. The carrying out of tasks which enable people to make a living within the social and economic context in which they are located. Dealing with problems of survival in a world of scarce resources. You have some control of your surrounding but you are born into the same basic system of having to work for a pay cheque. Because you can just decide you can"t work and live with the same standard of living.