HIST-211 Lecture Notes - Lecture 64: Himalayas

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Geography of the Empire.
The Indian Subcontinent.
Ganges and Indus rivers.
Coromandel and Malabar coasts.
British India included the modern states of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh (known once as East
Pakistan), Burma, Nepal, Bhutan.
Sri Lanka was a part of a different British colony known as Ceylon.
Today almost 1.9 billion people, a quarter of the world's population lives in these territories.
Predominant languages of India.
Persian and English were administrative languages.
English is still widely used in business and politics.
3 Presidencies with a governor:
Presidencies divided into multiple provinces.
Major Cities of British India.
Calcultta (Kolkata).
Delhi and New Delhi.
Bombay (Mumbai).
Madras (Chennai).
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