CHEM 3LB3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Fluorapatite, Calcium Carbonate, Hydroxylapatite

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Lecture 5 checking your municipal water quality & how to search literature and databases. When you get a free, professional water test we"ll: test your water. Inspect your plumbing: provide you with treatment options, make sure you"re completely educated on your water needs, offer full laboratory water test if you"d like an in-depth analysis . Municipal water quality is highly monitored and is usually pretty good. People on well water tend to have a lot of calcium in water. Water quality demo: stuff that forms is calcium, added carbonate. Calcium and magnesium levels are not reported not harmful. Ca2+ & mg2+ 160 mg/l (waterloo), 180 mg/l (guelph) Calcium carbonate (caco3: hard water can clog pipes, skin irritation, noting really harmful to health but have to use more soap (basic) Usually get rid of hard water by adding calcium hydroxide (salt) (water softener) and it also forms bicarbonate. Another way is to heat up the water.