MUSIC 2F03 Lecture Notes - Italian Folk Music, Ennio Morricone, Federico Fellini

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Reflects trends of late 1950s and 1960s. Spent a lot of time in the u. s. However began composing for italian films: for federico fellini, 16 film together, 18 and a half, nadoche. Source music composed by carmine coppola (1910-1991) Suggested that he write the style in a late 19th century cavalleria rusticana: by pietro mascagni (1863-1945, type of late 19th century opera, realism opera, focused on lowest classes of society (criminals, peasants) In the book, it is made explicit that the don is from a pleasant family. Based on a book by mario puzo. However the don in the movie is not. Using music to represent that heritage is important in this movie. Fair amount of source music but some underscoring. Clip 1: closing credit of godfather: a harp strumming the chords, a lot of source music here, chosen carefully here to what we see, before the strumming of chords.

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