PSYCH 2B03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Eugene V. Debs, Defence Mechanisms, Enculturation
Document Summary
Sees the world as it really is. Identifies with humanity- identify not with a specific group or religion, their membership is in. Spontaneous and natural; just being who you are; opp extreme self consciousness. Freshness of appreciation; child like quality; never jaded by having the same experience, been. Detached, needs privacy- needed quiet time to themselves. Few deep relationships- relatively few strong and . Independent of the eniviornment/ resiting enculturation persons they have. Much more likely to follow the moral code they put out for themseleves other people, self- depricating they don"t just mean grand creative; they mean simple things needs fixing i wanna help fix it. Well developed sense of humour-non destructive; it doesn"t involve belittling/ making fun of. Creative- self actualizing gave us acess to all the energies that are creative in the unconscous, Problem- rather than self-oriented there are other oriented; problem oritented something. Lack/ fear of self-knowledge- e. g. contrasexual side, and shadow repressed into the unconscious.