PSYCH 2B03 Lecture Notes - Abraham Maslow, Self-Actualization, Psychopathology
Document Summary
October 17th, 2012 things that are more malleable, more controllable than instincts. Needs emerge in a particular order small number of individuals in which the needs are reversed the most common reversal is the top two needs: love and belongingness, and esteem, the two most psychological of those needs. Other needs existing in every individual from very early in life cognitive needs: to know, understand, curiosity about the world around us and how it works. Aesthetic needs: beauty, order, symmetry, self, some people in whom these aesthetic needs are so dominant that they are made physically ill by them. Don"t emerge at any particular time in the hierarchy. While we are working away at these demotives, we have a particular way of interacting with the world. Deficiency perception, deficiency cognition, deperception, decognition: very focused only on the things that are relevant to our needs.