RELIGST 1J03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: The Perfect Man, Shurpanakha, Sugriva

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Week 4 the hindu ramayana, part 2. Think about what i taught in class last week. In other words, what does the text take for granted? (the text takes for granted that its okay to kill demons, they only think about it when it"s a female demon. Another assumption is how are women supposed to behave, what is good behaviour and bad behaviour?) The ramayana: the three episodes in the story we will talk about this week are the mutilation of soorpanaka, the killing of vali and the repudiation of sita. (sita is held up as the perfect wife. He is perfect and will be a perfect ruler. He has compassion, a sense of justice, and courage. and he makes no distinctions between human beings old or young, prince or peasant; he has the same consideration for everyone. In courage, valour, and all the qualities none to equal him.

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