FILM 226 Lecture Notes - Mcworld

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The nation use to the idea of it being a unified category. Benedict anderson had the idea the there was an imagined community. Nations are not as stabilized as we think they are. Papers, journals, news etc provide this unified space, and allows others to indulge into other cultures. Culture stuart hall defined culture as the actual grounded terrain of practices, representations, languages, and customs of any specific society. One of the key debates was whether or not globalization was a condition or a process. Condition a way to describe the way things are. Process something that has a historical narrative. (ex. Another debate is seeing it as a policy or project or unintended consequences. Unintended consequences the way the world we live in works because a of series of unrelated choices. Policy or project - the way we live is because the laws of people who actually sat down and thought through the way were need to live.

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