GEOL 106 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Elastic Energy, Moodle, Seismometer

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All questions will be asked on moodle (not hazard city) For proposed nuclear power plant on lake ontario shore just west of kingston. Earthquakes: seismic risk analysis and risk management for a proposed nuclear reactions near kingston ontario (from previous notes) approach = risk analysis and risk. What causes earthquakes: understand the hazard in general. Elastic rebound theory: the rigid part of the earth can store elastic energy - when it breaks the elastic energy is released. Fault: a break/crack in rocks along which there has been appreciable displacement: a fault forms or, there is an episode of movement on a pre-existing fault. Earthquakes are associated with faults for a big earthquake, In both cases stored energy is released fault motion only needs to be a meter or so. Look for rock/soil layers that have been shifted. Different types of fault: strike strip: horizontal motion, dip-slip: vertical or sub-vertical motion results in fault scar.

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