HIST 286 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Social Forces, Pancho Villa, Victoriano Huerta

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Week 3 lecture part i: porfirio diaz and the mexican revolution. Mexico in 1910 had a violent revolution leaving several 100k dead. The 10 year revolution created huge changes in the country. Example of this revolution contributed to changes that la everywhere began to think about socio-political issues and la"s place in the world. Ruled primarily through a network of governors, provincial politicians, and local political bosses who were loyal to him. His power was based on his ability of using/balancing powers of those he networked with. Local political officials/bosses: played role of intermediaries between modernizing mexico city and maintaining the traditional patriarchal society. Major government advisors (cientificos) were trained in europe and believers in modernization, positivism, and beneficial role of immigration and foreign capital investment. Open door policy: investment began to increase with americans, 25k km of railroad was built with british and american money, mexico city was transformed into a modern commercial center.

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