PHIL 115 Lecture Notes - Foundationalism, Meliorism, Intelligent Design
Document Summary
Pragmatism: a new name for some old ways of thinking (1907) Most of james" works, including pragmatism: are based on a series of public lectures given mainly to universities, in particular philosophy professors and students but occasionally to other students and the general public as well. His essays were published unrevised from his lectures. This meant that they were not edited to be clear and precise so some definitions are carelessly put, which was okay for a public audience, but not for philosophical academics. James was born in new york city to affluent and religious parents. James" father was a friend of mill, tennyson, thoreau who were frequent visitors to his household. James was educated by private school and tutors, which required a cross-world search for the best schools. In 1958 james and his family returned to rhode island and james announced that he wanted to be a painter, which his father was not keen on.