PHIL 115 Lecture Notes - Correspondence Theory Of Truth, Middleground, Ancient Greek Philosophy

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19 Apr 2013

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It is distinguished from older forms of british empiricism for the following reasons: the mind experiences objects directly, not ideas, we experience relations between objects such as time and causality, there is a knowledge of causality. The problem hume gave us is a pseudo-problem. If we end up describing human experience the way hume did, then we effectively do not know anything about causality: james argues that one experiences the relations between objects. One does not see a perception of the pen like hume suggests: experience is comparable to a stream. There is continuity through time and space: human experiences unfold over time. We all have a philosophy, or worldview of ideas. Your philosophical views are the most important attributes that you hold. Your whole life is organized around beliefs, ideas, and convictions. The dilemma: philosophy isn t strictly objective and rational as its proponents have wanted it to be.

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