SOCY 226 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Advantageous, Universal Rule, Soul Quest

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As for reason or good sense, i"m inclined to believe that it exist whole and complete in each of us, because it is the only thing that makes us men and distinguishes us from the lower animals . I made a decision one day to undertake studies within myself too and to use all the powers of mind in choosing the paths i should follow . Get a sense of what descartes actually said. It is really made for the aspiring french person. Our views begin in childhood; come from many sources; they"re clouded. Find the true method of getting all the knowledge my mind was capable of having . The argument become quite persuasive because he is arguing himself in a completely justified and logical argument. So essentially he wants us to reject all the other argument, and than begin to learn and think of new knowledge. We need a systematical method of grasping knowledge in the world.

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