CRI 620 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Bell Media, Music Of Canada, Medical Card
Document Summary
Support structures advantages over the rest of the world = the gov. etc. really invests in local and national talent federal. We have support that international artists may not necessarily get. Many funding programs: demo, comprehensive artist, music company, marketing, Live performance, business development, business travel, video, collective initiatives, sponsorships, radio marketing fund. Ontario media development corporation seeks to promote, enhance and leverage investment, jobs and original contact contributing to a business environment in ontario that is advantageous to growth of media industry facilitating cooperation among entities in the industry. Ontario music fund aimed at strengthening and stimulating growth in ontario"s music companies designed to drive activity and investment and to support ontario"s music companies and organizations in expanding their economic and cultural footprints both in. Canada and around the world funding ares: music industry development, music company development, music futures (up and coming companies, live music, research grants.