ECN 340 Lecture 6: Lecture 6
Document Summary
The new home economics: family is a firm , transforms inputs and produces the things wanted by the family. The marriage contract: marriage is a legally enforceable contract between two people. Ex: suing him for not cutting the grass: could not have a proper relationship; marriage council a better option, divorce is a dissolution of the contact, just like a break-up of a business. Investment in a marriage makes it more difficult to break-up: children, joint mortgage/bank account, etc, living together with the capacity to simply walk out may force the other party to be more considerate. Independence: making decisions in a family, family decisions require input from all members. Ex: bathroom: apportioning the family income is a (huge) cost, the forgone cost of associating with other people, the forgone choice of a better partner, list could be extended. Benefits of marriage: production of children, family style sex life less chance of std.