GEO 702 Lecture 4: Lec 4

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Water quality example of how the decision making frame can work. Water scarcity decision making framework; dealing with uncertainty. Canadian commodities: cod fisheries late 1500s represent the food source; export to caribbean from. After world war 2, canada decided to connect more closely to us; trade; bring down tariffs, subsidies, protection. Political, economic and geographical constraints to effective environmental management: alex clapp (1998, clapp"s resource cycle based on renewable sources (can"t even manage renewable resources) Stage 1 exploration, discovery, initial production and boom period. Stage 2 increasing capitalization, investment and profitability. Case study 3 the death of the east coast cod fishery. 1497 john cabot cruises the nfld coast and finds cod in abundance; cod & salt cod market: the smaller scale we are the less we can screw up, inshore fishery. Local; made up of local knowledge; family, community based. Isolated communities along the coast line in newfoundland; basis of economy in.

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