MHR 523 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Job Performance, Criminal Record, Absenteeism

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The process of choosing individuals to fill job openings. Quality of human resources determines organizational performance. Use selection criteria based on the job. Specify musts and wants and weigh the wants. Do not ask questions that would violate human rights legislation. Treat all candidates in the same manner. Do not cut short an interview based on preconceived notions about the gender or race of the (cid:862)ideal(cid:863) (cid:272)a(cid:374)didate. Focus on the job description and job specification when gathering information from applicants. Candidates not meeting selection criteria are eliminated. Remaining candidates matching the job specifications are given further consideration. Use of technology is becoming increasingly popular. Screening device used by approximately two thirds of canadian organizations. Assesses specific job-related skills, general intelligence, personality characteristics, mental abilities, interests, and preferences. Efficient, standardized methods for screening large numbers of applicants. The degree to which selection procedures yield comparable data over time.

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