MHR 523 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Millennials, Organizational Culture, Organisation Climate

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Chapter 1: the strategic role of hr management. Managing people in organizations to drive successful organizational performance and achievement of organization"s strategic goals: operational and strategic responsibilities. Managing human capital, knowledge, education, training, skills and expertise. Describe the stages in the evolution of hrm. Describe the value of hr expertise to non-hr managers and entrepreneurs. Explain how hrm has changed over recent years to include a higher-level advisory role. Discuss the internal and external environmental factors affecting human resources management policies and practices and explain their impact. Describe the competencies and recognition of growing professionalism of the hrm function. Scientific management: concern for production, scientifically analyzing manufacturing processes to reduce costs and compensating employees based on performance. Human resources movement: concern for people and productivity. Phase 1 early 1900s: personnel administration. Phase 2 1930s to 1950s: union liaison, compliance with new laws orientation, performance appraisal, employee relations. Phase 3 1960s to 1980s: human resources management, outsourcing of many administrative functions.

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