MHR 523 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Nepotism, Job Satisfaction
Document Summary
The process of searching out and atracing qualiied job applicants, which begins with the ideniicaion of posiion that requires staing and is completed when resumes and/or completed applicaion forms are received from an adequate number of applicants. A specialist in recruitment, whose job it is to ind and atract capable candidates. Yield raio: the % of applicants that proceed to the next stage of the selecion process. Idenify job openings (hr plan, resignaions and excepted terminaions: hr planning/strategic plan, employee resignaions/terminaions. Idenify job requirements and ksas from job descripion: from job descripion/job speciicaion, select recruitment method (internal, external, internal, external, search & atract to obtain a pool of qualiied applicants, employment equity/ diversity goals. Job applicaion forms: name & address, employment status, educaion & skills, memberships, awards & hobbies, reference, signature line, work history. Beneits of using applicaion forms: facilitates comparison of candidates. Informaion required is speciically requested: may be used as a sample of the candidate"s own work.