MHR 523 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: W. M. Keck Observatory, Structured Interview, Unstructured Interview
Document Summary
Selection the process of choosing among individuals who have been recruited to fill existing or projected job openings. The following are common interviewing mistakes: poor planning, snap judgments, negative emphasis, halo effect, poor job knowledge, contrast error, influence of nonverbal behaviour, telegraphing, too much/too little talking and similar-to- me bias. Selection ratio the ratio of the number of applicants hired to the total number of applicants. Steps in the selection process: preliminary applicant screening, selection testing, selection interview, background investigation/reference checking, supervisory interview and realistic job preview, hiring decision and candidate notification. Initial applicant screening is performed by hr. Candidates not meeting essential selection criteria are eliminated first. Candidates who most closely match the remaining job specifications are identified and given further consideration. Use of technology helps hr professionals improve initial screening process. Used to assess specific job related skills, general intelligence, personality characteristics, mental abilities, interests and preferences.