THP 500 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Ontario Arts Council, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Arts Council

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Direct funding vs arms-length funding: the main difference is if the money is coming directly from the government (direct funding), or if the money is coming through a peer-assessment process (arms-length funding) 2017-11-01: federal agencies, canada council for the arts, the second oldest arts council in the country (oldest is saskatchewan arts. Phases of arts activity (that can be individually applied for for grants: training, professional development, and residencies, creation, development, production, presentation/exhibition, touring, audience engagement. Application process: research programs (who the funders are and what programs are you eligible for, submit application and support materials (contracts, budgets, narrative, etc. ) Juries include 5 people who try to represent the : disciplines, genders, age groups, queer/straight sexualities, races/ethnicities. Juries score each application out of 100 anything above 60 is a passing grade : grant application tabs, project information, project title, project summary (max. 25 words your elevator pitch for your show: project category.

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