PHL 101 Lecture : BookI&BookII
154 views4 pages
27 Mar 2011
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Cphl 101 jan 24, 2011 republic, book i cont"d/book ii. T proposes his own definition: morality = the advantage of the stronger party. His argument: the stronger party = the party with political power (i. e. , the power to make and enforce laws), the laws define what is moral in a given society, the laws serve the interests of the stronger party. Therefore: what is moral = whatever is in the interests of a given society. Maybe this is meant as a cynical unmasking of high sounding talk about morality. Alternatively, he might be a kind of nietzschean, inverting traditional values. On this view, he is appropriating the traditional concept of morality and applying it to something radically different just those things that would traditionally be considered immoral. * there may be two different things under discussion here. On the one hand, there"s actual justice: the class of institutions or practices that are called just .
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