SMS221 Lecture 10: NPAccess2016_M02

83 views10 pages
25 Jan 2019

Document Summary

This information includes such items as each owner"s name and address, animal information, and the amount and billing date for each invoice: create three new tables named billing, owner, and. Animal to contain the additional data kimberly wants to track: after adding records to the tables, you will define the. Guidelines for designing databases: case riverview veterinary care center, database currently contains one table, named the visit necessary relationships between the tables, and learn how to modify the fields. Guidelines for setting field properties: naming fields and objects, you must name each field, table, and other object in an. Access database: assigning field data types, each field must have a data type. Data types are assigned automatically by access or specifically by the table designer. The data type determines what field values you can enter for the field and what other properties the field will have.

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