BISC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Uterus, Thyroid, Urethra

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Regulates body activities by releasing hormones (chemical messengers transported in blood from endocrine gland or tissue to target organ) Blood carries o2/nutrients to, co2/wastes away from cells; regulates ph, temperature, h2o content. Blood components defend against disease and repair damaged vessels. Immune response cells (b cells, t cells, etc) Air passageways like pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchial tubes leading in/out of lungs. Accessory organs that assist in digestive processes: salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas. Contains sites of maturation and proliferation of b cells and t cells that protect against disease-causing microbes. Transfers o2 from inhaled air to blood and co2 from blood to exhaled air. Eliminates wastes and regulates volume and chemical composition of blood. Gonads produce gametes (sperm or oocytes eggs) that unite to form a new organism. Gonads also release hormones that regulate production and other body processes.