BPK 205 Lecture Notes - Blood Gas Tension, Venous Blood, Blood Plasma
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With respect to dead space what is the difference between fowler"s method and the bohr equation. Fowler"s method: measuring nitrogen increase when breathing 100% o2. Anatomical dead space is simply the conducting zone prior to bifurcation 17. Physiological dead space is all space in the respiratory system that doesn"t receive gas exchange. It may include areas of good ventilation but poor blood flow: at altitude, hyperventilation blows off co2. Going higher along the height of the lung, the ventilation decreases slower than the blood flow. So we get a higher va/q relation at the top of the lung. O2 in the blood will attach to hb, decreasing po2 in blood. The decreased blood po2 will allow more o2 to be carried in the blood plasma (through diffusion: explain why n2o is perfusion limited. Blood reaches maximum n20 carrying capacity in the time that the blood is in the capillary surrounding the alveolus.