CMNS 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Connotation, Denotation

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The main conclusions in this article are people interrupt and understand encoding and decoding differently based on their own experience and background. People do not define message in the same way, beside that encoding and decoding involved sender and receiver which may not reach the idea of what the sender wanted because of the symbol and message are being constructed. Televisual sign: complex, iconic sign (from peirce"s terminology) which constituted by the combination of two types of discourse, visual and aural. Visual discourse: translates a three-dimensional world into two-dimensional planes, it cannot be the referent or concept it signifies. Linguistic theory: frequently employs the distinction denotation and connotation . Denotation : widely equated with the literal meaning if a sign, the literal meaning is almost universally recognized, especially when visual discourse is being employed. Denotation has often been confused with a literal transcription of reality in language and natural sign .

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