CMNS 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Vacuum Cleaner, Economy Car, Pole And Polar

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Cialdini"s 6 principles/weapons of persuasion: also express importance of cmn and r/s, each principle plays part in cmn practices, persuasion being one, compliance pros (advertisers, marketers) focus + exploit with certainty. A asking for a big favour per. A changes request to a smaller favour related to big favour per. A has made a concession and responds yes (tho might have been. Shaped by beliefs about them: toy manufacturers, commitment + consistency, advertising of new toy + parents commit to buy new toys nearing. Physical attractiveness: benefits attractive ppl, halo effect: when one positive characteristic of per dominates how per is perceived by others, ex. More smart, more secure, etc = make ppl more preservative than peers. Similarity: judge ppl we see as being like ourselves in positive light, see ppl in positive light = inclined to believe, present mutual similarity = influences us better than dissimilarity, ex.

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