PSYC 100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Central Nervous System, Parasympathetic Nervous System, Myelin

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Neurons: cells in the nervous system that communicate with one another to perform informaion-processing tasks. In the 1800s, scienists began to turn their atenion from studying the mechanics of limbs, lungs, and livers to the working of the brain: golgi-stained neurons. Saniago ram n y cajal used a golgi stain to highlight the appearance of neurons. He discovered that neurons are complex structures composed of 3 parts: the cell body, dendrites and axon. He was the irst to see that each neuron is composed of outward threads extending towards other neurons. However, the treads of each neuron don"t actually touch one another. There is a small synapic space between them across which informaion is transmited. Components of the neuron: cell body (soma): Coordinates informaion-processing tasks and keeps the cell alive. Contains a nucleus which stores chromosomes that carry your dna: dendrite: Receives informaion from other neurons and relays it to the cell and body: axon:

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