PSYC 2400H Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Episodic Memory, Autobiographical Memory
Document Summary
A model of memory based on a toy writing tablet that retains fragments of old messages even after they have been erased . In time, these fragments accumulate and begin to overlap, so that they become increasingly hard to read. Neisser"s term for the now rejected idea that the same memory can reappear, unchanged, again and again. The theory that especially significant experiences are immediately photocopied , preserved in long-term memory, and resistant to change. The classic theory that memory traces of an event are not fully formed immediately after that event, but take some time to consolidate. A decline in recall of one event as a result of a later event. The hypothetical process whereby a memory trace is revised and reconsolidated. One participant is given multiple opportunities to recall a story over time. One participant, a writes down what he or she can recall of a previously read story.