English 1900 Lecture Notes - Quinn Wilson, Cash Register

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10 Mar 2014

Document Summary

You need to avoid plot summary, instead talk about why it is important. When writing essays you can include passages and discuss its importance and how it can support your argument. In a way he is kind of like a zombie. He just goes on with his business but he really isn"t alive: strong paragraph where we get an insight into the emotions of quinn. Wilson is the tranquilatist, quinn is the dummy and work is the voice - quinn is just a place holder now. A circumference could be drawn but it would be leaky and not complete. The detective quinn had been living in the grip of this pun. a. b. i i eye significant pun because there is the same hierarchy as there is with the characters. The writer and the detective are interchangeable paul auster is suggesting that he is quinn.

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