ANTH 311 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Limiting Factor, Sperm Competition, Sexual Coercion
Document Summary
Reproductive success: an individuals genetic contribution to future generations. The currency used to measure success" in evolutionary terms is the number of offspring an individual produces ( tness) Females and males have different reproductive careers and thus face different constraints (limiting resources) on their lifetime reproductive success. Food as conception, gestation and lactation are energetically expensive. The goal is for them to increase mating and fertilization attempts. Variance between males in mating and reproductive success can be very high due to dominance hierarchies and grouping patterns (ranges from zero offspring to many offspring) Types of male-male competition for reproductive opportunities: within-group contest competition: males ghting within a group to access females, usually by. Ghting for high dominance ranks: between-group contest competition: males ghting with males outside of their group to prevent females from having extra-group copulations, scramble competition, eg. The energetics of growing, being large and competing. Males often have shorter reproductive periods than females do.