ARHI 203 Lecture 14: Lecture 14 Week 9

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Scribe - person who handwrites or copies texts (usually a man in this period) Scriptorium - place where manuscripts are copied by hand. Codex - modern day format of the book (technical term for the book) Incunable - 1 of the earliest books printed since the gutenberg bible. Term comes from latin for swaddling cloth - book in its infancy. We will go through a number of political and religious transformation to discuss the protestant reformation to see what caused it and what repercussions there were. Up until the end of the 15th century, the only church in europe is the roman. Catholic, which is what we have meant when we said church The roman catholic church has its head in the pope who is in the vatican. Popes now have economic interests and aren"t just there for religious guidance. The papacy is intertwined with land expansion and economic growth.

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